
Information for solicitors required to prepare medicolegal reports for clients.


Mr. Malin Wijeratna

  • has been a Consultant surgeon in the NHS since 2015 and has been performing medicolegal work since 2017.
  • performs Expert Witness work on any of the shoulder and elbow conditions seen in medico-legal practice.
  • only reviews Personal Injury cases. Referrals are accepted from claimant and defendant solicitors and clients are seen at The Spire Nottingham Hospital and the Three Shires Hospital, Northampton. The majority of Expert Witness work so far has been through claimant instructions.
  • can usually see a claimant within 2-3 weeks of receipt of a letter of instruction.
  • aims to provide high quality, objective medical advice and evidence. Mr Wijeratna’s medico-legal reports include a clear prognosis, the range of expert opinion and appropriate references. Mr Wijeratna strives for clarity, readability, and accuracy, with technical medical terms being avoided or explained. Reports are usually available within four weeks of instruction.

Please Contact the Clinic with enquiries about availability and to arrange a meeting with your client.

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